Monday, July 16, 2012

Assignment: Jeremy Lin

1. 谁是林书豪?你知道哪些关于他的事情?WHO IS JEREMY LIN? What do you know about him? Students can write what they know about him, post a Lin's profile information, or any news they have heard about him. They can also attach pictures and videos about him for extra credits. student response samples:  
林书豪(Jeremy Shu-How Lin),美国华裔,1988823日生于美国加州。美国职业篮球运动员,主打控球后卫,身高191cm,体重91kg。祖籍福建省漳州市漳浦,祖辈移居台湾彰化,父母70年代移民到美国。毕业于哈佛大学,主修经济学,副修社会学。带领哈佛大学篮球队,取得常春藤联盟分组冠军,进入NCAA最后64强。虽然在NBA选秀大会上落选,但在2010721日与金州勇士队签约,加入NBA,成为哈佛大学自1953年后首位进入NBA的球员;首位进入NBA的美籍华人。201112月,先后被勇士队、休斯敦火箭队裁掉。1228日,签约纽约尼克斯队。

2. 你觉得他一个很棒的篮球员吗?解释。DO YOU THINK HE IS A GREAT BASKETBALL PLAYER? Why or Why not? Students need to share their own thoughts about Lin.
student response samples: 
3. 你觉得NBA里面亚洲球员和白人球员比较少的原因什么?How come there are very few Asian and Caucasion basketball players in NBA? Students may asnwer this question from various perspectives, provide their opinion and cite important evidences from an articles to support their viewpoint.
student response samples: 
Stereotype Threat and the White Basketball Player
4. 有些人说,林书豪因为是亚洲人所以受到歧视,你觉得赞同这个说法吗?Some people said Jeremy Lin is being discriminated because he is Asian, do you agree with it? Students will need to post their thoughts and opinions about it, and provide examples to support their ideas.
student response samples: 


5. 你觉得为什么会有歧视?我们应该如何避免歧视的产生?Why does racism exist? How do we avoid racism?

6. 作为一个有着亚洲人面孔的球员,他在NBA最终取得了成功,让人们看到了他的才华。他是如何鼓励你追求你的的美国梦?As an Asian basketball player, Jeremy showed his talents and succeeded.  How does Jeremy encourage you to accomplish your American Dream?

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